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Checking in Students

First Impressions

First of all, thank you so much for investing in student’s lives and being a contributor!

Being on check-in team you are going to be one of the first faces that students see. We have 6th – 12th grade students coming to thecreek every Sunday night. We always want to make sure to be kind, patient, and loving towards anyone who walks in to the building.


As the first face that most people see, you will also be the front line for greeting parents. Here at thecreek we do not allow parents to come in past our check-in area for the safety of students. We understand that some parents want to look around and see what their children will be experiencing on a Sunday night which is why we offer our Creek Experience every August before we officially kick off for the school year.

If parents are unhappy about not being able to come back in to the building it usually helps when we explain our reasons why. We always tell parents that any adult that is interacting with their students on a Sunday night has been background checked, so just as a safety precaution we ask that all parents stop at the check-in area. If they still are not happy with that answer please come grab a staff member and we can handle it from there.

How to check-in a student

Here at thecreek we use our attendance tracker, Grow, to check in our students. We will have 1-2 iPad’s up at check-in every Sunday night. The iPad’s are automatically set to open Grow when you open the web browser. The first screen you should see is the Grow check-in home screen with a bar to type in a name. We ask the student’s last name and then type that in to the name bar, once you hit “search” Grow will pull all of the names in our system with that last name. After that you can select which student to check-in just by tapping on the correct name. If that student’s name does not pop up you can go back to the home screen and try to type in their first name to see if it will pull it up that way. If it still does not pull their name they might have not been in a while or may be a brand new student, in both of those cases we would send them over to the welcome center to fill out a new student card.

When you have a new student

Whenever we have a new student walk through the doors we want them to feel seen! Students have the option of filling out a new student card online before they come to thecreek and if they did so they will already be in our system, if not then we can send them to our welcome center right when they get there to fill out a quick card. That card will just give us information like name, grade, address, parent contact information, ect. That way next time they come to thecreek they will be in our system so we can just type their name in to the iPad and check them in that way.

Updated on April 21, 2021

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