To ensure the health of those in our ministry, any child or contributor with the following symptoms/conditions should not attend Creek Kids:
- FEVER: Must be fever free for 24 hours without medication.
- VOMITING/DIARRHEA: Must be episode free for 24 hours.
- STREP THROAT: Must have started antibiotics 24 hours before attending.
- NASAL DRAINAGE: Should not attend until clear.
- SORE THROAT/COUGH: Should not attend with a sore throat, croup or persistent cough associated with respiratory infection.
- PINK EYE: May only attend after 24 hours of antibiotics, no matting or drainage occurs, and is no longer rubbing the eye.
- RASH: Anyone with an unexplained or contagious rash should not attend.
- LICE/OTHER PARASITES (nits, mites, ringworm, etc.): Should not attend until after treatment and all live lice and visible nits have been removed.
- DIAPER RASH: Any child with a wet or bleeding diaper rash should not attend
Contributors are not to give or apply any medications with the exception of diaper changes (see below). Parents are to be contacted and should administer all medications.
Medication should not be left in a classroom. When a child brings medication, the medication is to be kept in the possession of a Children’s Pastor/Director in a secure location.
In the extreme case where Epi-pens or inhalers are needed for allergies or asthma, written instructions are to be provided by the parent/guardian to the contributor. Requests should be written, signed, dated and filed permanently.
Epi-pen forms are located in each room with the first-aid kit.
Topical medications for diaper changing purposes are to be used only when instructed and provided by the parent/guardian.
First Aid
A first aid kit, ice packs and vomit absorbent powder are kept in each classroom.
AEDs are located outside of the auditorium near the elevator.
In the event of an accident or incident, please complete an Incident Report which is located in each room.
A witness and parent must sign form.
Give one copy to the parent and the other copy to a Creek Kids staff member.
Paging Parents
If a parent/guardian needs to be contacted for any reason, please notify a New Family Check-In leader, the Area Coordinator or the Room Lead.
The leader will notify the parent/guardian via text through a manned computer.
When the parent/guardian arrives, match the parent security tag to the child’s tag before allowing contact with the child.