Mandatory Reporting

What Is It?

As we are called to care well and spiritually provide for each and every kid that comes through our doors, we are also called to protect them to the best of our ability. As someone working closely with children, we all have a responsibility to be aware and alert, making sure the well-being of kids is our first priority!

“Any person who has reasonable cause to know
or suspect that a child has been subjected to
abuse or neglect or who has observed the child
being subjected to circumstances or conditions
which would reasonably result in abuse or
neglect shall immediately report to law
enforcement or human services.”

What Do I Do?

In a nutshell, if you have even the slightest suspicion that a child is at risk, you are required to report that information. Please alert one of the Creek Kids Staff members immediately to help walk you through this process. By law we are mandatory reporters and we want to report the incident immediately.

How Do I Learn More?

Below is a helpful guide to mandatory reporting that includes:
• Risk Signs
• Proactive Strategies
• What to say and what not to say to kids
• Important Contacts
• And more…

In Conclusion

We pray that our kids will never have to walk through abuse or neglect, but we also recognize the sin-filled world that we live in today. Pray diligently for the kids you serve, that the Lord would protect them and their families. Also be praying that the Holy Spirit would guide your thoughts and help you to discern if a child may be in danger.

If you have any questions or concerns about this heavier topic, please reach out to the Creek Kids team and we would be happy to discuss it further with you.

Updated on April 16, 2020

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